Donald Trump's Weekend from Hell
Sometimes you have to feel sorry for even a billionaire. This past weekend was a rough one for The Donald. First he got beat up pretty bad by both President Obama and Seth Myer at the annual Whitehouse Correspondent's Dinner. The Donald didn't look happy being the butt of all those jokes. In fact he looked absolutely livid.
Osama bin Ladin: Terminate with Extreme Prejudice
Then President Obama announces last night that U.S. Special Forces have taken out bin Laden. This killed The Apprentice's audience.
The harsh reality is that nothing Trump does now will top the end of Osama bin Laden. He can reshuffle The Apprentice Celebrity teams again, or fire Bert Convy (or whatever washed up celebs are participating), or order more gold tinfoil for the Trump Tower lobby, and it won't do a bit of good.
It's rather sad in a way. His campaign run barely lasted a month.
You can watch Trump looking livid here:
President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner
Seth Meyers remarks at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner (Fast forward to minute 12:00)
Donald Trump was no war hero either. Daddy bought him a series of deferments.,1
Posted by: Leo | May 02, 2011 at 03:38 PM
The president finally catches his first lucky break since taking office. Long overdue.
Posted by: LL | May 02, 2011 at 03:55 PM
Love this piece. Food for thought. Trump is a good marketer but this time, he got it all wrong. Fact is no matter how good a marketer you are, your success is highly dependent on other factors in your environment. Just like Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Concert Specials--good show but the unfortunate horrors of 9/11 eclipsed the media coverage.
Posted by: Marie Berbick | May 03, 2011 at 09:57 AM
Billionaire! Ha. He has swindled people, the banks and the US government, declared bankruptcy one too many times. If he is a billionaire he is one without class.
Posted by: Abe | May 06, 2011 at 12:21 PM
I know this is an old issue but I feel compelled to throw in my 2 cents in defense of the Donald.
Donald Trump didn't come up with the idea to question the authenticity of Mr. Obama's birth certificate. The Birther movement had been going on since shortly after he was elected and there was a growing contingent of American citizens who were asking for verification of his place of birth. Trump simply publicly challenged the issue and became the lightening rod.
All of us as citizens have to verify that we are who we say we are on an almost daily basis. Every time we go for a job or apply for a loan or do just about anything we have to produce documentation which verifies that we are who we say we are. As we all know it goes way beyond that when you are a businessman or developer. Some of the stacks of papers verifying our identity and our subsequent right to do something as simple as building a building pile up taller than my 11 year old. Why should the President of the United States not have to show a single document verifying his identity when his role and impact on the people of the United States and the world at large is infinitely much more critical.
To me the real issue in all this is that the leadership of the United States is in a crisis of confidence. At a time when the country is in an unprecedented state of crisis and the trust in the leadership of that country is at an all time low, why on earth would you allow something as small as showing your birth certificate to fester in the public mindset for over 2 years? You can bet if Mr. Obama worked in any other corporation in the US and the question of his ability to work legally in the country came up among his shareholders and/or members of his board, he would have had to produce that birth certificate pronto or he would be gone (and he sure as hell wouldn't be applauded for vilifying the guy who had the balls to step up and asked him to produce it).
I'm not and never was a member of the Birther Movement and never considered it much until I saw this video. Shooting the messenger, like Mr. Obama did with Donald Trump, to me just showed flagrant disregard for the rights of the American people to question or challenge their leadership and that's a bad precedent in times like these.
Posted by: Grant | June 16, 2011 at 12:08 PM