Bill Gates hands over mantle of world's richest man to Carlos Slim.
Meet Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world
He may not be as famous as Microsoft's Bill Gates, but Mexican oligarch Carlos Slim Helú is wealthier – and much more ruthless, says Tom Leonard.
The 70-year-old Mexican's path to an estimated $53.5 billion (£35.8 billion) fortune is resolutely "Old School", too – buy companies cheap, turn them around and then ruthlessly drive the competition out of the market. (Carlos Slim, World's Richest Man)
How does the "Old School Billionaire Strategy" work? Read more by clicking the link. Check out the free billionaire mini-course too. Sounds like Carlos Slim is a Guerrilla Billionaire.
This is great free advertising for you. Maybe you can get an endorsement from Carlos Slim?
Posted by: Eric Kean | March 13, 2010 at 02:25 PM